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Cardano Big News

On Jan. 12, Input Output Global (IOG), the blockchain engineering company behind Cardano, announced that they're set to release a software toolkit that will enable devs to deploy custom-built sidechains on Cardano.

As a proof-of-concept, IOG devs have already used the toolkit to construct an Ethereum Virtual Machine-compatible sidechain. It is currently being audited, and it will be available as a public testnet later this month.

The toolkit will also allow sidechain creators to choose consensus protocols, move data and assets between Cardano and the sidechain, and create blockchains for specific use cases.

This development is the latest delivery within Basho, Cardano's scaling phase, and IOG hopes this ''paves the way for mass adoption of Cardano by enabling much higher throughput without reduction in decentralization or security.''

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